The cost of studying at an English School

The price list for the expenses associated with educational and instructional services for the academic year 2024-2025 is as follows:

Oxbridge International School.

IB International Section - Kindergarten (PYP-KG)
Group Age Cost per quarter Amount paid per year
PYP — KG 5-6 26 250 000 UZS 105 000 000 UZS
IB International Section - Oxbridge International School (PYP)
Entrance fee 24 000 000 сум
Classes Age Cost per quarter Amount paid per year
PYP 1 6-7 39 325 000 UZS 157 300 000 UZS
PYP 2 7-8
PYP 3 8-9 43 500 000 UZS 174 000 000 UZS
PYP 4 9-10
PYP 5 10-11
IB International Section - Oxbridge International School (MYP & DP)
Entrance fee 24 000 000 сум
Classes Age Cost per quarter Amount paid per year
MYP 1 11-12 48 250 000 UZS 193 000 000 UZS
MYP 2 12-13
MYP 3 13-14
MYP 4 14-15 50 250 000 UZS 201 000 000 UZS
MYP 5 + UZB certificate
DP 1 16-17 56 100 000 UZS 224 400 000 UZS
DP 2 + UZB certificate 17-18
Discount for the second child 5% of the cost
Discount for the third child 10% of the cost